Scholarships are a great chance to go to that wonderful college, university or for other courses which you might not normally be able to afford. So in order to get a scholarship, you usually have to take a test and you need to clear. Here is how you can be prepared for the test. Many time a question in our mind that is how to prepare for a scholarship exam. First, you will need to decide what you want to become, and take the corresponding classes. For example, to become a scientist, you will need to take science and math courses. Also, you can get exam materials online to know what to study.

Scholarship Exams in India We provide a list of Scholarship Exam offered by state and central government besides that offered by Indian companies and other organizations to pursue academics in India or abroad.

ITB Monash Research Academy Scholarships
Osmania University UGC-JRF Fellowship Program
GC JRF RA Foreign Nationals
IIS Junior College Scholarships at Singapore
C Bose National Fellowships
BNSTS Senior Scholarship Test
he Max New York Life Igenius Scholarships
Ministry of Culture Junior Fellowships
Mahabir Prasad Singh Foundation Scholarship (for Science, Engineering & Medical students)
Ramanujan Fellowships
Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship Programme
INSPIRE SHE Scholarships
IndianOil Sports Scholarship
MICA Ahmedabad Fellowship Program
Ministry of Culture Scholarships for Young Artistes
FedBank Hormis Memorial Foundation Scholarships
National Fellowship for OBC Candidate
NIIT University Gurgaon Scholar Search Programme
NHFDC  Scholarships for Differently Abled Students
Algappa University JRF DST PURSE Program
Dr. DC Pavate Memorial Fellowships
The Gandhi Fellowship
IOCL (Indian Oil) Scholarship
Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarships for Doctoral Studies
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY Scholarship Exam)
IITM Pune Research Associateships and Research Fellowships in Climate Science
VIT University IGNITE Scholarships
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students
Maulana Azad National Scholarship for Girls (Minorities)
Merit cum Means Scholarship for Students Belonging to minority communities
Narottam Sekhsaria Foundation PG scholarship
National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarships (NMMS Scholarship Exam)
A STAR and SIA Youth Scholarship to study in Singapore
SICI Doctoral Research Fellowships
Pre Matric Scholarship for Delhi's Scheduled Caste (SC) students
OP Jindal Engineering and Management Scholarships (OPJEMS)
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for ST Candidates
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC Candidate
Sitaram Jindal Research Fellowship Scheme
Shell Junior National Science Scholarship
SBI Youth for India Scholarship
Fair and Lovely Scholarship for Women
Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Scholarship for Research in Social Sciences
Pragati Scholarship by AICTE for Women pursuing Technical Education
Saksham Scholarship by AICTE for Differently Abled Students pursuing Technical Education
ITB Monash Research Academy Scholarships
Young India Fellowship Programme

Benefits of Scholarship Exams

There are some benefits of scholarships.

benefits, scholarship, examination, KVPY, Olympiad,

1.      Some colleges have reserved seats for Scholars.
2.      When you apply for any job or interview you can add this achievement in your resume.
3.      Your college fee will be funded by organization or govt. agencies. In short, you can continue your further study from any big Institute.
4.      Another benefit is that you enjoy discounts on books and other study material.
5.      You get higher study facility in a low amount.
6.      The examination allows a student to know where he or she stands.

I hope this Post will definitely help you to understand how many scholarship exams conduct in our country. If you want to know about eligibility, and other detail about any scholarship exam then visit 


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